If you have bad credit, its because you've been unable to pay for what you've tried to purchase in the past.
You don't need an auto loan.
Buy an inexpensive car, $1000-2000. Take what you would make as a car payment, say $300 a month and save it for 10 months. Soon you'll have a $4000-5000. Save another 10 months and you'll have a $7000-$8000 car. Within 2 years you will have a nice car paid for.
It beats the heck out of paying $300 a month for 5 years and having a car thats only worth half of what you'll own in 2 years.
The problem with car loans is you are financing (paying extra) for a depreciating asset.
What is the best auto loan online they have for people with bad credit?
Depends. There are a few companies here to check for free quotes. You can compare yourself. http://painintheexhaust.blogspot.com
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