
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Need help trying to get an auto loan?

Im trying to get an auto loan anywhere from 13-15k. I dont know if its possible or not. I havent tried applying for any outside of Capital One, it was denied. I looked at my Credit Report and all that and even paid to see what my score was. Its a 608 (from my knowledge a very bad score).

I just got done paying off a charged off Credit Card thru Capital One (thinking thats a big reason why I may have been denied seeing that they took it to court) but it has yet to reflect on my Report. So while im waiting on all that to get updated Is there any place else i can get that loan from? Im trying to get a toyota camry for about that much (brother in law works for them). Only thing is I just graduated college last year so im paying back my student loans (36k right there but low monthly payments). Is there anyone who will give me that auto loan?? Thanks for any help.

Need help trying to get an auto loan?
How much of a down payment do you have? The larger the down payment, the more likely you will be able to get a vehicle financed. You say your Brother in Law works for a Toyota dealer?

They may be able to get the loan approved for you. You could also check with your bank or credit union to see if they can help you.
Reply:Visit this webguide : Auto Loan Guide: http://autoloans.autoloanassis...

Good Luck Report Abuse

Reply:go to they help everyone
Reply:skip trying to get a car loan and go to freegovermentgrants .com pay the $39. fee and let some old lady with nothing better to do with her money buy you a car 3.5 mill . people a year get grants why shouldent you

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