
Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Is The Lowest Auto Loan Refinance Company Out There?

I am trying to refinance my Mazda car and currently, I am making a payment of $300 a month. What company has the lowest auto loan refinance interest rate? Needs to be available to Florida residents and it does not matter if it is an online company only. Thank you.

What Is The Lowest Auto Loan Refinance Company Out There?
Ted has made some excellent points, but Bankrate does not do auto refinance, they send the info out to other companies. That site is awesome for research though.

There is no one lender with the "lowest rates." We have many lenders that, depending on the situation, have the "lower" rate than the others. It just depends on your car and your finances.

Please note that Florida is enforcing a law that will make you pay sales taxes on your car again if you are refinancing to remove or add someone onto the loan (co-signer). Please just be aware of that as you are moving through the process.

I would start with a local credit union, but really, any one of the major auto refinance brokers are going to be talking to the same financers. I am not going to recommend one since I work for one, but I will give you a decent list. These are all reputable companies.
Reply:lowest auto loan? very easy to ask but hard to answer my friend! It all depends on car, make, model, age, your location, credit score, income etc. No company is lowest all the time. Usually refinance a car loan is not a wise choice because most bank/lenders offers very attractive rate for new car and refinance rate is usually about 3% higher for the same vehicle! You will end up with may be lowering $20-50 a month but you will pay many more installments!

Let's say you have 36 more payment left and now you are refinancing and new payment is $250 for 60 months, you will be paying about $4200 more then original loan! Do the math before signing new loan.

try, good luck

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