where is the best place to go online for an auto loan if you don't have great credit?
Where is the best place to go online for an auto loan?
CapitalOne has a good blank check loan program - http://www.capitalone.com. Dealers will take it because it's backed by a major bank, but you can also use it as a bargaining chip to get a better rate through the dealer's banks. They want you to finance with them because they get a kickback (all legal) or a percentage of the interest. If you do use Capital One or another blank check lender, keep it in your back pocket until the dealer has given you his final offer. Then whip it out and be ready to negogiate some more.
You can also look into Prosper, the online lender. They offer loans up to $25,000 and wire the funds directly to your bank account. They're at http://www.prosperfivestar.com
Reply:Lots of lenders here:
Reply:try http://painintheexhaust.blogspot.com/
Reply:I got a good deal from blankcheck.com . They took the application, figured out what I could afford and used the down I had. Sent me a blank check to take to the seller and when the check was processed I had a loan contract. I had poor credit and was reestablishing my credit from a bankruptcy. My rate was resonable and the payment was affordable.
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